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r.a.d.designer Standard + Subscription 1.5

r.a.d.designer Standard + Subscription 1.5

r.a.d.designer Standard + Subscription Publisher's Description

The Standard license allows you to use the control for building and management of one website, defined by a top-level domain (, a single IP, or a server name. The Standard license also allows you to access the control on an internal IP used for development purposes, as well as on any workstation via http://localhost. This license is best suited for companies or individual developers who want to implement r.a.d.designer in a single project. The control may be used on multiple servers as long as it is accessed by a single domain name. Does not have limitations for the number of developers working with the control. Can be upgraded to any license. The subscription is valid for a period of one year and entitles you to free minor and major version upgrades. After your subscription expires, you will need to renew your subscription to have access to new product upgrades. You can, however, continue to use the r.a.d.designer and r.a.d.editor updates that were released while your subscription was active.

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